Sunday, January 2, 2011

Looking ahead

OK, now that we've wrapped up 2010 (see below), let's take a look ahead at 2011!

I'm very excited that the year will start with a bang from a developing-playwright's standpoint. After having been discussed and kicked around for a while, Jamie Lawson, artistic director of Winston-Salem's Theatre Alliance has agreed to put our cast on stage at his place for a one-night stage reading of All About Faith, my second full-length play script. We've put together an excellent cast, and the excellent Myla O'Brien has once again agreed to direct the reading. Brilliant!

Since it is just a one-night event with limited set, costumes, scripts in hand as needed, it will be much less labor-intensive than Conversations, but I'm equally excited. Just as with children, one should be careful not to name any favorites among one's scripts, but Faith is a totally different kind of script, and one of which I am quite proud. It's time to find out if anyone else agrees! Though I think the potential market for it is much narrower than Conversations, I've already identified a number of places to send it after the reading is over. We keep plugging away!

And then, because so far things seem to happen in clumps, another of my short scripts, Communication Gap -- which I also like quite a bit -- will be performed in Greensboro in mid-February as part of the Playwrights Forum's Evening of Short Plays #24. Randy Morris is going to direct it, and I look forward to finding out soon who will play the young man and woman in the script. Not to mention seeing all the other shows -- in my experience, the Short Plays are always interesting!!

The other good news from my viewpoint is that, in addition to starting a play called Patent which has been temporarily set aside in favor of a lighter script, I have written about half of a new show called Reunions, which I am really enjoying. It's not meant to be a laugh riot or anything but, like Conversations, it is certainly lighter than what I've been writing for a while. It is about five men and five women who gather and chat after their tenth high school reunion -- and then again after their twentieth. So far, so fun!

So that's where I am right now. Working and looking forward to seeing a couple of scripts brought to life between now and mid-February. That, for me, is fun!!

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