Sunday, July 17, 2011

What's happening with my plays

I haven't written for a while about my writing, but it is still happening, if sporadically.

A while back, I took time to write a short (10-minute play range) script called "At the Shrine." Our good friend Lissa Cobetto "requested" (read: more or less demanded) that I submit something for HER friend's newly-created 10-minute play event at the Franklin Park Arts Center in Loudoun County, Virginia. It was one of the events that had a fixed something that had to be part of the script -- not necessarily my favorite thing -- but I eventually came up with something that I thought worked decently in that format.

It was fun to learn sometime later that the script had been accepted for this inaugural event, and it was well enough received by the various directors that more than one of them wanted to do it. I'm pleased that another friend of Lissa's, Heather Stillings, is casting and directing the script. It will call for another whirlwind driving trip, but we will get to see it (and for me, equally fun to see how other writers incorporated the requirements into their stories!) with Lissa, and hopefully our son and D-I-L as well on August 5.

Another short script was written, read, went to Directors' Workshop and was submitted for the fall E.O.S.P. event -- for which the submission deadline just passed. We'll see sometime later whether or not it makes the cut.

And finally right now, I have two short scripts in the pile at the Future 10 short plays event in Pittsburgh. Hope to know sometime in late August or early September if either of them gets chosen.

As far as writing is concerned, still working towards some final tweaks on the "Reunions" full-length script in preparation for submitting it somewhere soon-ish. And my progress on the next full-length, "Rehearsals," has moved along to the point that the "plan" for the play from beginning to end is pretty much in place; the first of two scenes of the first act is completed; and the beginning of act two is also written. So now it's filling in the holes. That's something like progress!

I continue to send out the "Conversations in a Cafe" and "All About Faith" scripts to selected theater companies, hoping to find a production. So far, no nibbles. But we keep trying.

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