Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Starting to apply some glue

You just never know when the time, a clear slate and a visit from the muse will coordinate, but after some years, you learn NEVER to deny those factors when they happen.

On Sunday and Monday, I'm pleased to say that the writing karma was on my side and I was able to complete the first draft of the second scene of the first act of "The Good Life." What does this mean? As I envision it, it means I have one more scene in the first act, and the opening scene of the second act, left to complete. Which implies that I'm two-thirds of the way through the first completed draft of the play.

Given the way this play has come along (see earlier post), in bits and pieces, this also means that I'm beginning the process of glueing together the ending of the show, much of which was written BEFORE the beginning of the play, by adding words to the start of the show. Eventually, I see them meeting somewhere in the middle. Wouldn't that be nice?

Anyway, nearly all of the characters in the show have now been introduced or "used," as the case may be, with only one more yet to be rolled out, and she'll make her appearance in Act Two, Scene One. In short, I pretty much know what needs to occur in the final two scenes to be written, though of course, characters sometimes have a way of taking you to unexpected places along the way. But when you're this far along, you have that feeling of relief that the thing is actually going to come together as soon as you find the time, and the inspiration, to finish the glueing process.

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