Friday, February 3, 2012

A little progress, anyway

We haven't been too busy in the playgoing world since the last post, though we did catch opening night of the "Twelve Angry Men" production at the Caldcleugh Multi-Cultural Center in Greensboro a week ago Friday. There were a few rough edges due to opening-night jitters, but overall, some strong acting and a good representation of the play, in our opinion. Robin McGhie directed the show and several actors we know were in it. Nice job!

It was also useful to visit the Caldcleugh for the first time as I will be giving, at Robin's request, a workshop on the basics of playwriting there on March 24th. I've met several of the staff folks there now, which is always helpful rather than walking in cold.

Speaking of giving presentations, on the novel front, I will present a talk on the history of mystery-genre stories and novels at the Walkertown Public Library on March 10th from 10:30 a.m. to noon, along with a reading and booksigning from A Simple Murder. It's free and open to to the public. That should be fun! I've certainly enjoyed researching the lecture portion by re-visiting a lot of my favorite books and authors.

I also finished writing a short script that has been submitted for consideration for a themed 10-minute-play competition at the Lee Street Theatre, Salisbury, N.C. If the script should happen to be chosen, it will be staged in early June.

Not much else to report at the moment, but I've been staying busy lately! Yay!

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