Thursday, February 19, 2009

New stuff, old stuff

I'm nearing the end of my annual writer's retreat to the Outer Banks of N.C., which is really just using a timeshare we bought years back and have been unable to unload on today's incredibly wonderful and active real estate market. But it does allow me a little time to unload, upload and clear the brain, which usually results in at least a little bit of meaningful writing.

I started the week off by deciding to take some thoughts that had been kicking around in my head and, rather than putting them into a new script I had just started, I went back and fit them into "All About Faith," which of course I had thought was finished. I think the new page of dialogue towards the end of scene three, however, improves the set-up for scene four and some "explanation" of my thinking in general, and helping the audience even a little bit is in my opinion a good idea.

And then because of one three-second panning shot in something I was watching, I started writing something altogether new as a potential new play script, and have added to it since. Why? who knows? Creativity is funny. We'll just have to see if it continues to go somewhere.

And as for the other scripts already finished? The waiting, dad blast it, continues.

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