Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Creeping up on them

Not really much to report at this moment, except that I am creeping up on a couple of developments. First, I am partway through a review and update of the third play script ("The Good Life"), hoping to add a little length to it and make some adjustments (a character's name just changed, for instance, and one first reader made a wise formatting suggestion). Anyway, it's coming along and may be completed by week's end.

Second, it's now in the second half of September, which means I have only two weeks or so before getting the good or the bad news about the Arts Project Grant. This could mean disappointment, or a good tightening of focus between October 1 and the end of April. And a first production on stage. That could be cool.

On a personal note, my son and fiance Sarah cooked dinner for us last night in Washington, D.C., and we had a truly pleasant meeting with her parents as well. There's a fun wedding gathering coming down the pike in October of next year. We look forward to it!!

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