Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Growing some patience

As a person not overwhelmed by in-depth patience, I find sometimes that the process of writing and trying to get published or produced seems like an eternity. Which is why I've been trying to grow some patience and understanding that the gap between finishing a piece and hoping to see it on stage can be a long thing indeed.

But I am also learning that, every bit as much as full-length fiction writing, it is just the nature of the beast. Send it out and forget about it, and move on to something else. That's just the way it has to be.

Case in point: I just mailed a copy of "All About Faith" to a New Play Festival in Greenville, SC, which I discovered thanks to the invaluable aid of Kelly Wallace. I'm quite well ahead of the deadline for the 2009 event (final due date is Feb. 1, 2009). But it might as well go now; I'm not planning to change it anytime soon. But when does the decision get made about what will be read during the Festival? August of next year. Ayiiee. That should wear me out, waiting to hear about that!

But it's not really much different for the festival of 10-minute plays in Louisville, to which I submitted my 10-minute script not too long ago. That's going to be a wait, too.

And I have moaned here before about the formerly long-seeming wait from May, when I submitted a grant request, to end of September when grant recipients are announced. At least that one's growing closer to a yes or no answer. It's that not-knowing status that can be so tiring. But again, gotta get used to it. Somehow.

Meanwhile, steps are being taken towards a more-finished script of the latest play. I should have a goodly amount of time next week to give it some undivided attention. And then maybe show it to a few more readers, see what they think. I hope.

1 comment:

The O'Brien Family said...

Man, I'm getting impatient for you! Hope you hear about the grant soon -- and that it's YES.